
Tochigi Robocare Opens ~18th Robocare Center in Japan~

Tochigi Robocare Opens ~18th Robocare Center in Japan~
21 Oct 2024

CYBERDYNE Inc. (based in Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; President & CEO: Yoshiyuki Sankai), in collaboration with Pharmacy Nakayama Co., Ltd. (located in Tochigi, Tochigi; Chairman and Representative Director: Katsunori Nakayama*), and its subsidiary Shonan Robocare Center, has announced the opening of the Tochigi Robocare Center.


Similar to other Robocare Centers, the Tochigi Robocare Center is the 18th facility to provide Neuro HALFIT for visitors with reduced physical function and disabilities. Individuals who have difficulty standing, sitting, or walking can practice their desired movements repeatedly with the help of HAL. This training can be done consistently without causing excessive strain, with the goal of fostering independence.
